Anthony Fantano Data Scraped (Download in CSV)

Do you like Melon? Me too. Anthony Fantano does a great job reviewing music, although his preferences seem to be a little sporadic at times.

Now what if I told you that you could download a csv file of all his ratings and quantify his preferences? Well, now you can. You can either go to my Github account and find it under webscraping/fantano/xxmaster_data.csv, or you can download it here.

The data is scraped from Below are a couple of graphs I produced with the data:

Time trend of Anthony Fantano's average ratings by month from 2011-2022.

Figure 1: Time trend of Anthony Fantano’s average ratings by month from 2011-2022.

Anthony Fantano's favorite artists from 2011-2022 by average rating. Numbers in parenthesis denote number of albums reviewed by Fantano from 2011-2022.

Figure 2: Anthony Fantano’s favorite artists from 2011-2022 by average rating. Numbers in parenthesis denote number of albums reviewed by Fantano from 2011-2022.

Michael Topper
Michael Topper
PhD Candidate in Economics

Economics Student UCSB