Looping Through Regressions (Without Looping)

With the help of the modelsummary and fixest packages, R has once again shown that it is a fantastic language for practicing econometrics. Consider the following scenario: you need to estimate a model, but you’re interested in how the model changes based on the covariates you add or subtract. Or alternatively, you are curious how robust your model is to various types of fixed effects. In STATA (currently the standard in economics departments), you would need to run each regression separately, and do some heavy work to put each model into a presentable table. This workflow is perfectly acceptable, but it’s inefficient. The less time spent on typing/editing tables, the more time for there is for alternative analysis. Moreover, there have been plenty of times where trying a new specification seems like a hassle simply because typing out the different regressions is time/energy consuming. Well, thanks to the newest update of modelsummary (my favorite presentation package) and fixest (my favorite estimation package), “looping” through several regression specifications and outputting them to a publication-quality table is incredibly fast and light on coding. Within this post, I’ll demonstrate how to “loop” through regressions without actually looping, and quickly output them to publication-ready tables.

Loading Packages/Data

First, let’s load in the required packages.

library(tidyverse) ## for data wrangling
library(fixest) ## for estimation
library(modelsummary) ## for presentation
library(titanic) ## to get a demonstration dataset

I am going to use a cross-sectional data set titanic_train from the titanic package. The titanic_train data set will be used as a demonstration of estimating many different regression specifications with different covariates, but note that you can also extrapolate this method to panel data sets with different fixed effects. I am going to change the titanic_train dataframe into a tibble before starting analysis. This is a completely optional step, as a tibble is simply a dataframe, but makes console output easier to view by only printing the first several rows/columns. In addition, I’ll also use the janitor::clean_names function to change all the column names to snake_case.

## loading in the trade data from the fixest package
trade <- trade %>% as_tibble() %>% janitor::clean_names()

## loading the titanic data set and changing it from dataframe to tibble for easier viewing
titanic_train <- titanic_train %>% as_tibble() %>% janitor::clean_names()

Models to Estimate (Covariates)

Let’s focus on the titanic_train data first. Suppose I want to estimate the following models:

\[ \scriptsize Survived_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 Age_i + \epsilon_i \] \[ \scriptsize Survived_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 Age_i + \beta_2 Fare_i + \epsilon_i \]

\[ \scriptsize Survived_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 Age_i + \beta_2 Fare_i + \beta_3 Female_i + \epsilon_i \] \[ \scriptsize Survived_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 Age_i + \beta_2 Fare_i + \beta_3 Female_i + \beta_4FirstClass_i + \epsilon_i \]

\[ \scriptsize Survived_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 Age_i + \beta_2 Fare_i + \beta_3 Female_i + \beta_4FirstClass_i + + \beta_5SecondClass_i + \epsilon_i \]

In this case, I am estimating a linear probability model on the outcome \(Survived_i\) (whether or not passenger \(i\) survived the titanic). Note that \(Female_i\) (a binary variable equal to 1 if passenger \(i\) is a female), \(FirstClass_i\) (a binary variable equal to 1 if passenger \(i\) is in first-class), and \(SecondClass_i\) (a binary variable equal to 1 if passenger \(i\) is in second-class) are not columns in the data, so we’re going to need to create these:

## creating binary indicator variable for female, first class, and second class
titanic_train <- titanic_train %>% 
  mutate(female = ifelse(sex == "female", 1, 0),
         first_class = ifelse(pclass==1, 1, 0),
         second_class = ifelse(pclass == 2, 1, 0)) 

The Slow, Inefficient Solution

Now we’re going to estimate all of these three models with just regression call from fixest::feols. Note that fixest::feols follows similar syntax as the stats::lm or the popular lfe::felm functions. You can read more on the fixest::feols syntax here. I’ll first estimate the 3 equations by brute force, then show you how you can estimate each of these in one clean line of code.

## long/inefficient way of estimating each of the three models

## model 1
survive_1 <- titanic_train %>% 
  feols(survived ~ age, data = .)
## NOTE: 177 observations removed because of NA values (RHS: 177).
## model 2
survive_2 <- titanic_train %>% 
  feols(survived ~ age + fare, data = .)
## NOTE: 177 observations removed because of NA values (RHS: 177).
## model 3
survive_3 <- titanic_train %>% 
  feols(survived ~ age + fare + female, data = .)
## NOTE: 177 observations removed because of NA values (RHS: 177).
## model 4
survive_4 <- titanic_train %>% 
  feols(survived ~ age + fare + female + first_class, data = .)
## NOTE: 177 observations removed because of NA values (RHS: 177).
## model 5
survive_5 <- titanic_train %>% 
  feols(survived ~ age + fare + female + first_class + second_class, data = .)
## NOTE: 177 observations removed because of NA values (RHS: 177).

We could then put each of these regression objects into a list, and pass the list to modelsummary::modelsummary to get a publication-quality table. Note that modelsummary::modelsummary also features on-the-fly standard error adjustment with the vcov argument. Here, I decided to use heteroskedastic-robust standard errors, but there are other options too (see here), including a “stata” option if you really want to be sure your standard errors are equivalent to STATA’s default robust option. I also decided to clean up the column names to look prettier, but you can read all about these in the modelsummary vignette.

survival_models <- list("Model 1" = survive_1,
                        "Model 2" = survive_2,
                        "Model 3" = survive_3,
                        "Model 4" = survive_4,
                        "Model 5" = survive_5)
modelsummary(survival_models, stars = T, gof_omit = "A|B|L|R2 Ps",
             vcov = "robust", coef_rename = c("age" = "Age",
                                              "fare" = "Fare",
                                              "female" = "Female",
                                              "first_class" = "First Class",
                                              "second_class" = "Second Class"))
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
First Class0.311***0.402***
Second Class0.198***
+ p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

Not bad right? WRONG!

The Fast, Efficient Solution

We can actually do this entire process MUCH quicker. The fixest::feols command can take vectors of columns specifying to “loop” through the combinations of the columns. This can be done with the csw (cumulative step-wise) function. The only thing you need to do is wrap the csw function around your covarites in a vector-like syntax. Observe:

## estimating all three models with one line
survival_models_fast <- titanic_train %>% 
  feols(survived ~csw(age,fare, female, first_class, second_class), data = .)
## NOTE: 177 observations removed because of NA values (RHS: 177).
##       |-> this msg only concerns the variables common to all estimations
## printing table 
             stars = T, gof_omit = "A|B|L|R2 Ps",vcov = "robust", coef_rename = c("age" = "Age","fare" = "Fare","female" = "Female"))
rhs: agerhs: age + farerhs: age + fare + femalerhs: age + fare + female + first_classrhs: age + fare + female + first_class + second_class
+ p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

Looks great, except we have those annoying labels for each of our estimated equations. We can change these using the base::names function:

## Changing model names
names(survival_models_fast) <- c("Model 1", "Model 2", "Model 3", "Model 4", "Model 5")

## reprinting table
             stars = T, gof_omit = "A|B|L|R2 Ps",vcov = "robust", coef_rename = c("age" = "Age","fare" = "Fare","female" = "Female"))
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
+ p < 0.1, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

You can imagine that this is extremely helpful when adding in many combinations of columns. Oh, and you can also “loop” through left-hand-side variables as well. See the full fixest vignette for all sorts of time saving functions.

Michael Topper
Michael Topper
PhD Candidate in Economics

Economics Student UCSB
